Comprehension For Airforce X-Y, Navy AA/SSR

English Passage *RC*


Directions (1-5)  Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below it in the    context of the passage
The creation of the Dow Jones Sustainability Index in. 1999 is a part of this trend. Many large mutual funds in the United States and Europe now offer special services for individual and group investors who want to earn profits only from companies that show good results on a "triple bottom line" - this means monetary returns, social benefits and environmental sustainability. Thus socially responsible investors aim to make companies more accountable not only to shareholders and employees but also to all those affected by its operations, including future generations. For example, in Europe, Greenpeace International has become a shareholder of Shell oil company in order to pressurise the management to switch to renewable fuels. 
Q1. Which of the following is not a part of the 'triple bottom line ?”
 (1) Social returns                            (2) Monetary returns
 (3) Environmental sustainability     (4) Social benefits .
Q2. Addition of social factor in investment, makes the companies –
 (1) Social                               (2) Volatile
 (3) Socially acceptable          (4) Socially accountable
Q 3. Dow Jones is a  --
(1) Social index                 (2) market index
 (3) National index            (4) index of security
Q4. According to the passage –
(1) investors can design their own investment pattern
(2) investors are bound to opt the fixed Option
(3) it is better not to invest than invest without option
(4) it is better to invest without option because we hardly         have remorse for that

[RC-2 ] Directions ( 1-5) Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below it in the context of the passage.
1 think writing about contemporary India has been so dominated by our understanding of the British period that it has tended to eclipse everything else. One result is that it has not allowed us to think in terms of the ancestry of some of the ideas that we have tended to think of as British, such as secularism, democratic politics. If you take democracy and public discussion, it is a tradition which stretches all the way back to at least Ashoka If you think of secularism, religious freedom, there is Akbar. Now these have tended to be blotted out, because we often trace these ideas, which are seen as Western, to the manifest presence of the British. My book, to some extent counteracts this.
Q1.Author believes that our democratic set up has been well-established -
(1) Since the time of Ashoka
(2) Since or even before the time of Ashoka
(3) after the British Empire
(4) None of these

Q2.The book written by the author clarifies that -
(1) whatever we have, it is given by the British
(2) whatever we have, it is inspired by the British
(3) whatever we have, it has come out of our tradition
     and not by the British .
(4) the British has made our culture more profound and acceptable to the world community
Q3. Akbar has been the symbol of
(1) Democratic set up      (2) Autocratic set up
(3) Cruel Monarchy          (4) Secular set up
Q4. According to the author, the British period produced a great impact on -
(1) Akbar                              (2) Contemporary India
(3) Ashoka                           (4) Secular ethos
 Q5. In author's opinion, many of the ideas that we think. As of British, is in fact
(1) given to us by our ancestors
(2) given to us by the Americans
(3) given to us by the western world Sit
(4) None of these
[RC -3] Direction(1-5) )  Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below it in the    context of the passage
Iam the first to know it someone has a new toy. Tops don' t spin well on their mud floors. Toy cars too run better on my floor. Their windows don't have latches. nor do their doors have doorstoppers. So my doorstopper has become a sort of calling bell. The children go to the village school. where the free afternoon meal is the main attraction. They wear slipper’s or go barefoot, wearing crumpled. soiled uniforms whose colors may not match. Their parents pick potatoes, catch fish or sell ice candy for a living. They learn little from their school books. For them the lessons learnt in the fields and lanes of the village are more meaningful. Munni and Regina also go to school. They can cook, sweep the house and baby-sit. Every day they have to gather dry leaves and branches for the oven.
Q1.The children used to go to school mainly because-
(1)They were taught free of cost
(2)They used to get free meal in the afternoon
(3)They were concerned about literacy
(4)They had to meet the author in the way
 Q2. The first sentence - ‘I am the first to know …’tells that –
(1)The author was the only source of toys for the children
(2)The had a toy shop
(3)The author had great intimacy with the children
(4)The author used to be unconcerned to any disturbance caused by these children
Q3.Which of the following was not a prime occupation of the guardians of these children ?
(1) Catching fish             (2) Picking potatoes
(3) Selling ice candy       (4) Teaching in schools
Q4. They used to collect dry leaves and branches –
(1)For cooking their food
(2)For purchasing ovens
(3)For cleaning ovens
(4)For making fertilzers

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